Weather: 40 degrees F, wind from the west south west at 2mph, RH at 80%


Unsanctioned Pre-run (445): Pantyhose, Truly, House Party

Official F3 Prerun (0500): Bouncer, Motor Boat and Al Borland

PAX: Hang Ten, Sargent Pencil (Respect x2), Stripes, Wolfgang, Kill Switch, House Party, Truly, LPC, Motor Boat, Pantyhose, Slow Clap (Respect), Bouncer, Garage Band (FNG), Greenbow (FNG) and YHC Al Borland

QIC: Al Borland


A brief mosey from the shovel flags on a tour of the site following a counterclockwise path stopping occasionally to pick up the 6 and perform some exercises. Exercises during the 1/4 mile lap were unplanned. We just did what felt right: SSH x 20 (IC), Plank Jacks 15 (IC), concluding with sun gods 10×10 and cherry pickers

The Thang

I’m actually pretty proud of this one. Most of my workouts leave me second guessing my choices but for the most part this one panned out.

I call it a 3 station traveling Dora

Station 1 (the bowl): 50 cumulative burpees and 60 yd sprints

Station 2 (muscle beach): 100 dips and 15 yard out and back bear crawl

Station 3 (the hill): 150 bb sit-ups and Bernie Sanders

At the completion of all reps each two man team moved between stations in leap frog fashion with Man A performing 20 walking lunges before calling man B forward to his position. From there man B would perform 20 forward lunges until arriving at the next station. The partner not engaged in the forward progress repped out merkins, mt climbers or air squats AMRAP style.

…Merlot was spilled.


We had a little time for Mary at the end. Heels to heaven, gas pumpers and American Hammers (RS)


I’m a simple guy. I’m not real good at these things so I took the time to share my son’s (Meatball, 23mo) diagnosis and treatment of his brain tumor just over 1 year ago on 2/22/22.

The aim of the CoT was to focus in on the importance of the F3 community in helping my family through that tough time and how important it is to engage with your community. I didn’t write this down so I don’t know how well I facilitated this message but here’s my chance to clear things up:

Specifically, Thomas (Jesse Knutsen) set my family off on our path with a simple text message by offering to put us in contact with the Saltz family that had a similar situation the year before.

Tee-ball was willing the chat with me and my M on a Saturday about choosing a path that was right for us- a brief 15 minute call that helped us find the confidence in our path

Or the prayers, messages and support of all of F3 Omaha during that very challenging time.

Neither Thomas or Teeball or any of the PAX checking in on me and mine probably thought much of what they were doing-just doing what they would do for anyone. And that is the point- it doesn’t always take a grand gesture, piles of money or hours of your time to make a difference. Don’t underestimate the power of small acts- I can assure you they matter.

Pantyhose closed us out in prayer.

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