Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 | Mount Olympus | 5:15 AM | _28_ degrees | Wind _7_ mph

“The Ascent” 

PAX (13): Fun Dip, Double Dip, Chernobyl, Boss Hog, G String, Sundance, Baby Shark, Squeeze Box, Sweet Roll, Soup, Woodhead, Mortar (c/o the DZ), Busser

QIC: Busser

Pre-Runners (7): Fun Dip, Double Dip, Chernobyl, Boss Hog, G String, Sundance, Baby Shark

Busser welcomed the PAX to F3, F3 stands for Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Busser then covered the 5 core principles of F3.  

1. Open to ALL men.

2. Always Free.

3. Always held outdoors

4. Led in a rotating fashion

5. Ends with a Circle of Trust (COT). 

Busser shared the mission of F3 to Plant, Grow & Serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Busser covered the motto is to leave no man behind but leave no man where we found him

Busser asked if there were any FNG’s?  No FNGs

Busser shares with the group he is not a professional.


10 reps of the following exercises each performed IC: Goofballs, TappyTaps, Big Ones, More Tappy Taps, Cherry Pickers, Tempo Squats (get lowfor the stretch)


We moved to the football field and lined up on the sideline where we completed: 10 Murder Bunnies, 10 reverse Murder Bunnies, 10 side squats (10 each direction), 10 Ranger Merkins on Coupon, 10 Derkins (feet on coupon)

The Thang:

Four stations marked by cones on the football field. Cones were placed at each 20 yard line on each sideline, forming a “square”. Stations performed as a group.

Station 1: 5 Coupon Goblet Squats, 1 Burpee – Rifle Carry Coupon to Station 2

Station 2: 10 Coupon Big boys, 2 Burpees – Farmer Carry Coupon to Station 3

Station 3: 15 Coupon Bent Over Rows, 3 Burpees – Rifle Carry Coupon to Station 4

Station 4: 20 Coupon Curls, 4 Burpees – Farmer Carry back to Station 1

Rinse and Repeat until Omaha


Sarpy Slammers



Sign Up for CSAUP

If you are able, we will need about 30 coupons dropped off at Mount Olympus prior to the start of CSAUP on the 28th, reach out to Chernobyl if you can help

Prayer Requests:

Crankbait and his Family

Mr Deeds

Prayers for safe travel today 


Social connection is a core human need and is essential to both physical and mental health. Use the mental tools that F3 sharpens to get out there and seek connection. 

Busser closed us out in prayer


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